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Elaine Godfrey

Elaine Godfrey

Adjunct Professor of Atmospheric Sciences

Extreme Precipitation, Severe Weather, Applied Climatology, Women in Science, Scientific Writing

Dr. Godfrey’s expertise lies in applied climatology of severe weather events, especially tornadoes and extreme rainfall. She has extensive experience studying the retention of women and minorities in the geosciences and numerous interdisciplinary research projects bridging the social and atmospheric sciences and she excels in ideation.



Christopher Godfrey photo

Christopher Godfrey

Christopher Godfrey

Professor and Chair of Atmospheric Sciences

Tornadoes, Severe Weather, Wind-Induced Tree Damage, Atmospheric Measurements, Road Weather, Numerical Modeling, Climatological Data, Societal Impacts, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Weather Forecasting, Meteorological Statistics, Atmospheric Optics

Dr. Godfrey’s expertise derives from studies of tornadoes, especially debris and damage propagation, treefall damage patterns, and the interaction of tornadoes with terrain. He also maintains expertise in meteorological observations, transportation weather, societal impacts and weather communication, land-surface modeling, atmospheric optical phenomena, and climatological data. He built and maintains the university’s research-quality weather station on Lookout Mountain.



Trey Adcock headshot

Trey Adcock, Ph.D.

Trey Adcock, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Curriculum Theory, Social Foundations of Education, American Indian Studies, Decolonial Studies, Indigenous Methodologies, Indigenous Education, Land Acknowledgement, Cherokee Studies, Land-Based Education, Traditional Ecological Knowledge Curriculum, Technology Integration in K-12; Cultural Studies, Oral history, Indigitization, Non-profit management, Community-based praxis, Grant Writing, Higher Education Recruitment and Retention

Adcock is an expert in Curriculum Theory broadly, focusing on American Indian Education. His work includes recruiting and retaining American Indian students in Higher Education, documenting a Bureau of Indian Affairs-run day school in the TutiYi “Snowbird” Cherokee Community and technology integration at an American Indian boarding school in Oklahoma. Dr. Adcock has published in the Journal of American Indian Education, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Journal of Thought, Teaching Tolerance and Readings in Race, Ethnicity and Immigration. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Native Health 501(3)c and sits on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Cherokee Studies.



Tiece Ruffin

Tiece Ruffin

Tiece Ruffin

Professor of Africana Studies & Education

Learners with special and diverse needs, Pedagogical approaches for equitable classrooms, African American Education, Education justice, Racial equity in schools, Exceptional children/ K-12 mild-moderate disabilities

Ruffin specializes in curriculum and instruction with a focus on Neurodiversity (exceptional children/ special education), reading education, and African American education. She is a veteran teacher educator and defender of human rights as an education justice advocate, consultant, and freedom fighter working to dismantle oppressive and structurally inequitable education systems. She is an accomplished professional with the distinction of being the 2020 UNC System Board of Governor’s excellence in teaching recipient for UNC Asheville, ‘17-‘18 U.S. Fulbright Scholar to Ghana, a ‘16-‘17 N.C West Education Policy Fellow, Past-President ‘s Fellow of the National Association of State Director’s of Special Education, and a Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar in the U.S. Department of Education.



R Graham Reynolds photo

R. Graham Reynolds, Ph.D.

R. Graham Reynolds

Associate Professor of Biology

Evolutionary Genetics, Biodiversity, Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics, Biology of Island Vertebrates, Phylogeography, Herpetology, West Indies and the Caribbean, Population Genetics, Statistical Analysis, Vertebrate Biology and Evolution, Biogeography, Invasive Species Biology, Remote Island Exploration, New Species Discovery

Reynolds is an expert in vertebrate evolution and endangered species biology, especially on islands. He is a leading contributor to the study of the biology of boas worldwide, with a special focus on Caribbean species. He also has expertise in salamander and snake diversity and biology in the southeastern US.


Mark Gibney, J.D., Ph.D.

Mark Gibney, J.D., Ph.D.

Belk Distinguished Professor; Affiliated Scholar at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Lund, Sweden)

Expertise: Human Rights, International Law, Political Violence, Refugee Protection, Constitutional Law, International Environmental Law




Loa Holland Goldthwaite

Lora Holland Goldthwaite

Lora Holland Goldthwaite

Professor and Chair of Classics

Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Religions, Coinage of the Roman Republic, Women in Roman religion, Intersections of material culture and literature, Mythology, Sustainability in antiquity

Goldthwaite is an expert in Greco-Roman religions and mythology and in the coinage of the Roman Republic.



Karin Rogers

Karin Rogers

Karin Rogers

Interim Director, National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC)

Expertise: Group facilitation, Training, Scientific graphic design, Climate resilience, Adaptation, Decision support, Team dynamics, Geospatial tools, Technology transfer

Bio:Rogers is interested in implementing science in real-world settings with a focus on community and landscape resilience in the face of climate change. Her work strives to move research into action by delivering science to decision-makers.
